7 Best Under Desk Treadmills for Home and Office Use in 2024: Comprehensive Comparison

In a world where the balance between work and personal life is ever-important, finding time for exercise can be a challenge. Under desk treadmills offer a novel solution, allowing individuals to integrate fitness into their daily routines without sacrificing productivity. In this article, we'll scrutinize the latest offerings in under desk treadmills, comparing features, design, and functionality to help you choose the right model that aligns with your fitness goals and space constraints. Whether you're looking to boost your health while working from home or seeking a compact exercise solution for smaller living spaces, we'll guide you through the nuances of each product to ensure your purchase is a stride in the right direction.

Compact Design and Storage Solutions

The modern home office is becoming increasingly versatile, and taking care of one's health has never been more convenient with the variety of under desk treadmills that fit snugly into our living spaces. For those aiming to amalgamate fitness with their professional routine, compact design and ease of storage are paramount considerations. Amongst the contenders, the GOYOUTH 2 in 1 Under Desk Electric Treadmill is a notable choice. It's designed with a 50.59-inch depth and conveniently positioned transport wheels, simplifying the process of tucking it away post-workout. In addition to its functioning as both a walking and jogging machine, its sleek white structure fuses effortlessly into the aesthetic of a contemporary home.

When space is at a premium, products like the MonSports Walking Pad Treadmill shine due to their slim profile, a mere 4.9 inches thick. Remarkably portable, this machine can slide under furniture or stand discreetly in a corner, making it a popular option for those in small apartments or shared spaces. Similarly, the Olook Walking Pad adopts a compact dimension at just 5.5 inches in height, boasting easy folding for storage under a bed or couch, without the necessity for significant rearrangement in your living area.

The Bestports Under Desk Treadmill challenges the norms of home exercise convenience with its immediate usability straight from the box and an impressively compact 4.33-inch height. The machine is supported by wheels that enable seamless transportation, facilitating a transition from an active workout to inconspicuous storage. Moreover, the OBENSKY Walking Pad prides itself on its installation-free nature and ultra-light design, advocating for effortlessness in both setup and stow-away, cemented by its space-saving frame of 4.3 inches in thickness.

RHYTHM FUN jumps into the competition with two offerings: the Under Desk Treadmill and Ab Roller, and the Mini Walking Treadmill and Ab Roller. The former, standing out with its portable design, is a mere 5 inches high, integrating seamlessly into the home environment when not in use. Meanwhile, the latter is extraordinarily thin at just 2 inches, promoting an extreme level of storage ease and mobility, even in the most confined of spaces.

Each product presents unique advantages for space-saving and convenience, from the OBENSKY's lightweight maneuverability to the RHYTHM FUN's app-connected modernity. With options varying in size, portability, and additional features, it is vital for prospective buyers to weigh these specifications against their specific lifestyle needs and space constraints. The decision stands not only on the product's performance during use but also its unobtrusiveness when idle.

Workout Programs and Fitness Tracking

When it comes to maintaining a consistent fitness routine, convenience and ease of tracking are key. Fortunately, modern under desk treadmills are designed with innovative features that not only accommodate a variety of fitness goals but also optimize space and provide insightful data to keep you motivated.

The GOYOUTH 2 in 1 Under Desk Electric Treadmill stands out with an array of 12 preset programs (P01-P12) tailored to improve cardiovascular fitness and promote fat burning. Its LED display offers real-time monitoring of time, calories, steps, speed, and distance, allowing users to stay on top of their fitness journey. The inclusion of a Bluetooth speaker means that users can enjoy their favorite workout playlists, providing an energizing and enjoyable exercise experience.

MonSports introduces a similar level of engagement with its LED display that presents time, speed, distance, and calorie consumption, making it easy to track your progress. Its 2.25HP motor is capable of supporting weights up to 265 lbs and speeds from 0.5 to 6.5 MPH, catering to different fitness levels. The added luxury of a Bluetooth speaker and phone holder ensures entertainment isn’t compromised while you work out.

Olook further simplifies the workspace transformation with a compact treadmill that features an LED display and a remote control to tailor your workout. Their UltraBoost Cushioning Tech with a multi-layered construction prioritizes joint protection, ensuring that longer runs aren’t just effective but also safe.

Bestports brings to the table not just 12 varied programs but also a focus on safety with its large non-slip rubber belt. It’s equipped with a 2.25HP motor for a quieter home environment and a maximum speed of 4 MPH, suitable for both walking and running, and a Bluetooth feature to sync with devices for a harmonious workout session.

OBENSKY and RHYTHM FUN treadmills have taken a tech-smart approach by integrating preset programs and Bluetooth speakers for a more interactive exercise routine. OBENSKY’s model automatically saves your workout data for consistency, while RHYTHM FUN provides a unique workout app that offers free fitness programs and virtual running scenarios to make exercising at home or the office a dynamic and enjoyable endeavor.

RHYTHM FUN also includes an ab roller with their treadmill for a more comprehensive approach to fitness, targeting multiple muscle groups while ensuring data on the LED display is detailed and user-friendly.

Considering these choices, it’s clear that there’s an under desk treadmill suitable for every type of user, whether you prioritize workout variety, multimedia connectivity, or the assurance of data continuity. The key is to select the one that aligns with your fitness objectives and seamlessly integrates into your daily routine.

Motor Performance and Noise Levels

Finding a treadmill that balances motor performance with low noise output is crucial for home and office environments, where disruption must be kept to a minimum. The GOYOUTH 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill boasts a 2.25 horsepower (HP) motor that claims to provide both quiet operation and sufficient power for both walking and jogging. While designed for low-noise output, allowing for an undisruptive work environment, it offers speeds up to 6 miles per hour (MPH), suitable for a range of activities from gentle walks to brisk jogs.

Similarly, the MonSports Walking Pad Treadmill carries a 2.25HP motor with speeds ranging up to 6.5MPH, indicating a slight edge in maximum speed compared to the GOYOUTH model. A key feature for home users, especially those in shared spaces, is the treadmill's quiet operation, designed to minimize disturbance.

The Olook Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill raises the stakes with a 2.5HP motor, providing a slightly more robust power output suitable for higher intensity workouts, while still focusing on maintaining a low noise level. Its maximum speed caps at 5MPH, which could be a trade-off for those seeking a higher speed range.

Bestports Under Desk Treadmill is in line with the others, featuring a 2.25HP motor geared towards low-noise and capable of supporting up to 265 pounds. It has the lowest maximum speed among the models discussed so far, reaching up to 4MPH, potentially appealing more to those prioritizing walking over running.

The OBENSKY Under Desk Treadmill, too, houses a 2.5HP motor, mirroring the Olook model's power. It emphasizes a quiet motor for office compatibility, and the lack of assembly requirements makes it a convenient option for immediate use.

Standing out with the highest horsepower in this selection is the RHYTHM FUN Under Desk Treadmill and Ab Roller, equipped with a 3HP motor. This extra power suggests a capacity for a more rigorous fitness routine without sacrificing workplace tranquility. This model may be particularly beneficial for those with a larger build or who wish to engage in more intense exercise sessions.

Considering the varying motor powers and speed ranges, one must consider personal usage when choosing the right under desk treadmill. Those seeking a quiet, more moderate pace for walking while working may find the lower speeds and horsepower models sufficient, while individuals looking to incorporate running into their routine may prefer options with higher horsepower and speed capabilities. Noise level is a shared emphasis across these treadmills, aiming to ensure a harmonious blend of fitness within a work or home setting.

Durable and Comfortable Running Belts

When it comes to under desk treadmills, the quality and comfort of the running belt are critical for a satisfactory workout experience. A well-designed running belt should provide not only durability but also a comfortable surface that minimizes impact to joints. Comparing the running belts of our selected models, we see a range of features intended to enhance user comfort and the longevity of the device.

The GOYOUTH 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill boasts a 15.75"x41.34" belt with multi-layer cushioning and a non-slip surface. Designed to absorb shock effectively, this belt aims to deliver a quieter and more comfortable run, even at varying speeds of up to 6 MPH. Similarly, the Bestports Under Desk Treadmill also focuses on user comfort with its 41.33" x 16.53" belt composed of 5 layers of high-quality non-slip rubber. Both of these models have invested in shock absorption technology to protect users' knees and ankles, signifying their commitment to safety and comfort.

On the other hand, the MonSports Walking Pad Treadmill introduces a 5-layer non-slip running belt measuring 41.3" x 16.5". Not only does this structure serve to cushion joints, but it also stabilizes the user, enhancing safety while jogging or walking. The Olook Walking Pad follows suit with a similar joint protection technology, offering an UltraBoost Cushioning Tech in its running belt for reduced stress on joints during use.

RHYTHM FUN touts a 40"x18" belt equipped with a solid silicon structure and a shock-absorbing system. This wide and cushioned belt is designed for balanced and effective running, aligning with the brand's goal to provide a treadmill that's gentle on the joints, suitable for longer runs, and usable in noise-sensitive environments like apartments.

For those who are space-conscious, the OBENSKY Under Desk Treadmill combines a compact and unassuming design with a quiet motor and adequate cushioning, though it doesn't specifically highlight its belt technology. Nonetheless, it offers a practical solution for users looking to maintain an active lifestyle without drawing attention to their workout regime.

Each model presents its own approach to the running belt, but they all share a common focus: ensuring a comfortable, quiet, and injury-free workout. The best choice for an individual will depend on their particular needs, whether it be belt size, cushioning layers, or silent operation.

Connectivity and Entertainment Features

As we move through the digital age, the intersection of fitness and technology continues to evolve, providing us with more options for staying active even during our busiest days. Under desk treadmills have become a staple for those looking to integrate exercise into their daily routine, and connectivity features are now an essential component for a seamless and entertaining workout experience. The GOYOUTH 2 in 1 and MonSports Walking Pad treadmills bring music to your workout by offering built-in Bluetooth speakers, allowing you to play your favorite tracks while burning calories. Moreover, both models are equipped with LED displays that provide real-time data on time, calories burned, and distance. The MonSports model further enhances the experience with a phone holder, a feature that avid multitaskers will appreciate.

The Olook Walking Pad combines practicality with modern tech, offering a remote control for convenient speed adjustments and an LED display to keep track of your workout metrics. It doesn't feature Bluetooth connectivity, but its focus on low noise levels might appeal to users who prefer minimal distractions.

Bestports Under Desk Treadmill takes your fitness to a digital level, as it not only tracks your progress through a LED display but also connects to your Bluetooth-enabled devices to ensure your exercise is accompanied by your preferred soundtrack. Users may find the combination of digital connectivity and real-time data monitoring appealing for a modern and efficient fitness experience.

OBENSKY and RHYTHM FUN treadmills go the extra mile by including preset workout programs to guide and challenge users. OBENSKY's Bluetooth speaker enables an immersive auditory experience, while its data memory function means that even if your exercise is paused, your efforts won't be lost. RHYTHM FUN treadmills also offer workout tracking through its Fitshow app, making it a great option for those who like to keep a close eye on their fitness journey. For under-desk multitaskers, these features could be the difference between a mundane and a motivating workout.

Finally, the RHYTHM FUN Mini Treadmill and Ab Roller stands out by offering an LED display combined with a smart Fitshow APP for seamless workout tracking. The inclusion of an ab roller kit caters to more than just cardio, providing a comprehensive exercise solution. Those seeking variety in their workouts will find the dual nature of this machine an alluring bonus.

In the competitive world of under desk treadmills, connectivity and entertainment features can greatly enhance the user experience. With options ranging from Bluetooth speakers to app connectivity and phone holders, there's a treadmill that caters to the needs and preferences of every user. Whether you're looking to stay entertained with music or focused with fitness data, these treadmills offer a variety of functionalities to create a pleasurable and productive exercise regimen within the comfort of your workspace.

Safety and Ease of Use

When seeking fitness equipment versatile enough for both home and office use, safety and ease of operation are paramount. Under desk treadmills have become a staple for multi-taskers and fitness enthusiasts alike. Among the options considered, there's a clear emphasis on user-friendliness and secure workout experiences.

The GOYOUTH 2 in 1 Under Desk Electric Treadmill features a non-slip rubber running belt teamed with a shock reduction system to ensure stability and protect your joints. The handy remote control not only adjusts speed conveniently but enhances safety, allowing for quick reactions to any situation. Setup is required, but the foldable design accompanied by built-in wheels mitigates the hassle of moving and storage.

MonSports' walking pad treadmill presents an equally intuitive design, with a remote control for speed adjustments and a folding capability for easy storage. Its 2.25HP motor balances strength with silence, supporting up to 265 lbs without causing a ruckus.

Moving to the Olook Walking Pad, we find a device that boasts space-saving convenience, being foldable to a compact size suitable for storage almost anywhere. Lightweight and on casters, it's easy to transport, making it a dream for those with limited space. Users can enjoy a soft, cushioned running surface and monitor their activity through an LCD display—all controllable by a user-friendly remote.

Bestports Under Desk Treadmill echoes these sentiments of ease and efficiency with a larger running belt for improved safety. The LED display keeps workout data in plain sight, and Bluetooth connectivity enriches the experience. Notably, this treadmill also requires no assembly and provides wheels for simple relocation.

Switching to OBENSKY's Portable Mini Treadmill, it plays into the hands of those favoring a seamless start—no installation is needed. Its super quiet motor and light frame make it discreet and unobtrusive wherever you choose to work out. Additional creature comforts include preset programs and Bluetooth speakers.

Lastly, RHYTHM FUN's under desk treadmills offer powerful, yet quiet motors suitable for a tranquil home or office environment. These slim devices are easy to move and store, encouraging even the most confined spaces to entertain fitness. Moreover, RHYTHM FUN treadmills come with fitness app compatibility for tracking sessions and ensuring a healthy, scientific approach to exercise.

In a nutshell, these under desk treadmills deliver on the promises of safety and convenience. Whether it's through remote controls, embedded shock absorption systems, or noise mitigation, each model has its own way of assuring that users have a comfortable and secure experience every time they step on.

Top 7 Under Desk Treadmills List 2023

What is the best brand of Under Desk Treadmills?

Overview of the GOYOUTH 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill

image of GOYOUTH 2 in 1 Under Desk Electric Treadmill Motorized Exercise Machine with Wireless Speaker, Remote Control and LED Display, Walking Jogging Machine for Home/Office Use
GOYOUTH 2 in 1 Under Desk Electric Treadmill Motorized Exercise Machine with Wireless Speaker, Remote Control and LED Display, Walking Jogging Machine for Home/Office Use

The GOYOUTH 2 in 1 Under Desk Electric Treadmill Motorized Exercise Machine stands out as an innovative choice for those who want to integrate fitness into their daily routine without the need for a dedicated workout space. At the heart of its design is the 2.25 HP quiet motor, which promises a smooth and silent operation suitable for the home or office. The motor's power ensures that whether you're walking or jogging, the treadmill will keep pace with your workout needs, while the sturdy steel frame and multi-layer shield design provide a durable yet comfortable experience.

Replicating the feel of outdoor running, the machine's large-area, shock-absorbing, and non-slip rubber running belt measures 15.75"x41.34", ensuring safety and comfort during your exercise. This feature, coupled with noise-reduction technology, means that your workouts will be unobtrusive, regardless of the setting. An added benefit for office users is the ability to maintain productivity with its low operating noise.

For those who enjoy tracking and optimizing their workouts, the treadmill's LED display is a handy tool. It allows users to monitor time, calories, steps, speed, and distance in real time, ensuring you stay informed about your fitness progress. The ability to connect to your phone via Bluetooth for music is a highlight, transforming routine exercise into an enjoyable experience.

Safety and customization are also key aspects of the GOYOUTH treadmill. The remote control enables efficient speed adjustments and enhances running safety, essential when placed in a workspace. With speed levels ranging from 0.5 to 6 MPH and an impressive 12 built-in exercise programs, the treadmill caters to various fitness levels and offers structured workout options.

Lastly, convenience is taken into consideration with this treadmill's design. Built-in transport wheels simplify the task of moving and storing the device, a much-appreciated feature for those with limited space. Not to be overlooked, the treadmill has garnered positive customer feedback with a rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars and ranks #48 in Treadmills on a leading online sports and outdoors platform, attesting to its popularity and user satisfaction since its launch in May 2020.


Product Dimensions50.59"D x 5.51"W x 22.44"H
Item Weight50.7 Pounds
MaterialAcrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
Maximum Speed6 Miles per Hour
Special FeaturePortable
Target AudienceAdult
Maximum Horsepower2.25 Horsepower
Assembly RequiredYes
Date First AvailableMay 26, 2020


  • Equipped with a powerful and quiet 2.25 HP motor
  • Features a large-area shock-absorbing and non-slip rubber running belt
  • Includes an LED display and Bluetooth speaker for entertainment
  • Comes with a remote control for easy speed adjustment
  • Offers 12 preset programs for various workout needs
  • Easy to move and store with built-in transport wheels


  • Only supports a maximum weight of 220 lbs, which may not be suitable for all users
  • Assembly is required which could be a drawback for some users

Examining the MonSports Walking Pad Treadmill

image of Walking Pad Treadmill Under Desk Treadmill 265lb Capacity, Mini Standing Desk Treadmill for Office Under with Remote Control - Walking Jogging Machine for Home Office
Walking Pad Treadmill Under Desk Treadmill 265lb Capacity, Mini Standing Desk Treadmill for Office Under with Remote Control - Walking Jogging Machine for Home Office

The MonSports Walking Pad Treadmill is an innovative addition to the line-up of compact home and office exercise equipment, creatively blending the functionality of a running treadmill and under-desk walker. This versatility addresses both the needs of an invigorating run and the subtlety of a walking workout while multitasking at work.

The running belt of the MonSports treadmill impresses with its generous 41.3 x 16.5-inch dimensions, coupled with a five-layer non-slip design. These layers play a vital role in shock absorption which not only provides a comfortable running experience but also minimizes the impact on your knees and muscles. Adding to its appeal is the bright LED display that provides instant feedback on your fitness metrics like time, speed, distance, and calories burned.

Connectivity is a highlight here, with Bluetooth speakers integrated into the design. This feature allows for an exercise session filled with your favorite tunes, without the hassle of cords. The phone holder is a thoughtful addition that maximizes convenience, ensuring you can keep an eye on important calls or enjoy entertainment while breaking a sweat. The remote control enhances the user experience by providing an easy way to adjust speed and stop the treadmill quickly and safely.

Powering the Walking Pad Treadmill is a robust 2.25HP motor, strong enough to support users up to 265 pounds, which speaks volumes about its build quality and durability. Users will appreciate the speed range, starting at a gentle 0.5 mph for walking and going up to 6.5 mph for brisk jogging sessions. This range makes it a versatile piece of equipment suitable for different fitness levels and workout preferences.

The practicality of the MonSports treadmill extends to its thoughtful design. When not in use, the sleek profile at only 4.9 inches thick can be easily stored under desks, beds, or sofas, thanks to its built-in wheels. This space-saving feature ensures that your living or working space remains uncluttered, a crucial consideration for urban dwellers and office environments.


Color2 in 1 Treadmill - Black
Product Dimensions48.43"D x 21.26"W x 41.73"H
Item Weight55 Pounds
MaterialAlloy Steel
Maximum Speed7.5 Miles per Hour
Special FeatureFoldable
Recommended Uses For Productindoor
Target AudienceAdult
Maximum Horsepower2.25 Horsepower


  • 2-in-1 design allows for running and under-desk walking
  • 5 layers of non-slip running belt with shock absorption
  • Includes Bluetooth speaker, phone holder, and remote control
  • Powerful 2.25 HP motor supporting up to 265 lbs
  • Space-saving design with easy storage options


  • Maximum speed of 7.5 MPH might be too high for some users preferring slow walks

Assessing the Olook Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill

image of Olook Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill for Home Office Exercise | Mini Compact Treadmill with LED Display Remote Control
Olook Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill for Home Office Exercise | Mini Compact Treadmill with LED Display Remote Control

The Olook Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill is a marvel in the compact exercise equipment space, distinguishing itself with a foldable design that tucks away with ease, measuring a mere 48 inches in length, 20 inches in width, and 5.5 inches in height when folded. This makes it an ideal choice for those with limited space at home or in the office. Once unfolded, the treadmill offers a generous 40-inch by 16-inch running belt, providing ample space for a comfortable stride without compromising on the unit's overall footprint.

Performance-wise, the Olook model shines with a high-quality 2.5 horsepower motor that facilitates a quiet and convenient workout environment, perfect for apartment dwellers or shared spaces. The motor supports speeds ranging from 0.5 to 5 miles per hour, catering to both casual walkers and brisk joggers. Additionally, with six support points, the treadmill guarantees stability during use, ensuring there's no wobbling that could disrupt your workout or impact safety.

Commitment to joint protection is evident in the Olook treadmill's UltraBoost Cushioning Technology. The 5-layered construction of the running belt is designed to absorb impact and reduce stress on the knees, hips, and joints, which is vital for both casual users and those embarking on longer fitness journeys.

An intuitive LCD display is central to the user experience, providing essential workout metrics such as speed, time, distance, and calories burned. The added convenience of remote control allows users to adjust settings on the fly, catering to personalized workout needs and enhancing the flexibility of the exercise routine.

In terms of safety, the Olook Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill offers a secure platform. With a robust steel frame and a weight capacity of up to 265 pounds, it is designed to cater to a wide range of family members. Additional features such as overload protection underscore the manufacturer's dedication to providing a stable and safe workout environment.

Customers have spoken highly of the Olook treadmill, granting it an impressive 4.5 out of 5 stars. Ranked #47,482 in Sports & Outdoors and #200 in Treadmills, it stands out on the market since becoming available in May 2023. The orange color, compact design, and absence of a handrail make it a modern-looking addition to any exercise collection geared towards an adult audience seeking a smart, indoor exercise solution.


ColorOrange-Treadmill No Handrail
Product Dimensions48"D x 20"W x 5.5"H
MaterialAlloy Steel
Maximum Speed5 Miles per Hour
Special FeatureCompact Design
Recommended Uses For ProductIndoor
Target AudienceAdult
Maximum Horsepower2.5 Horsepower
Maximum Incline Percentage6.5
Date First AvailableMay 17, 2023


  • Folds to a compact size for easy storage
  • Powerful 2.5 HP motor delivers quiet operation
  • Advanced cushioning technology protects joints
  • LCD display and remote control for convenient workout monitoring
  • Supports weight capacity up to 265 lbs


  • Maximum speed limit of 5 MPH may not be suitable for fast runners

Insights into Bestports Under Desk Treadmill

image of Bestports Under Desk Treadmill, 2.25HP Walking Treadmill Under Desk 265 lb Capacity, Small Walking Pad Treadmills Exercise Machine with Remote Control, Desk Treadmill Walking Jogging for Home and Office Use
Bestports Under Desk Treadmill, 2.25HP Walking Treadmill Under Desk 265 lb Capacity, Small Walking Pad Treadmills Exercise Machine with Remote Control, Desk Treadmill Walking Jogging for Home and Office Use

Standing out with innovative features tailored for the modern professional, the Bestports Under Desk Treadmill integrates seamlessly into home and office settings. Offering a suite of 12 exercise programs, this machine complements your cardiovascular routines perfectly, streamlining your path to improved fitness and effective fat burning. Its user-friendliness is amplified with the convenience of remote control operation, letting you adjust settings without breaking your stride.

The treadmill's expansive 41.33" x 16.53" running belt sets a high standard in comfort and safety. Composed of a 5-layer high-quality non-slip rubber, the belt not only affords ample space for walking or running, but also emphasizes knee and ankle protection through its pronounced shock absorption capability. This feature, coupled with the treadmill's 2.25HP motor, effectively minimizes noise, ensuring a serene workout environment that won't disrupt your focus or disturb others.

Central to the Bestports treadmill is the user's health and wellbeing. As you guide your pace between 0.5 to 4MPH, a large LED display keeps your workout metrics visible and within reach, monitoring speed, distance, time, and calorie burn in real-time. Bluetooth connectivity adds an aural dimension to your fitness regime, allowing for an immersive experience where motivating tunes accompany each step.

Designed with practicality in mind, the treadmill requires no assembly, freeing you from the hassle of complicated setup, and is easily movable with built-in wheels – an ideal feature for quick storage under furniture when space is at a premium. Constructed from durable Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) in a sleek black brown color, it presents a stylish yet sturdy frame that supports up to 265 lbs.

For those seeking peace of mind with their purchase, Bestports offers reassuring after-sale service. Customer inquiries and support are promised around the clock, and a one-year after-sales guarantee ensures that your investment in a healthier lifestyle is well-protected.


ColorBlack Brown
Product Dimensions48.81"D x 21.26"W x 4.33"H
Item Weight48.5 Pounds
MaterialAcrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
Maximum Speed4 Miles per Hour
Special FeaturePortable, Compact Design
Recommended Uses For ProductUnder Desk, Home and Office
Target AudienceAdult
Maximum Horsepower2.25 Horsepower


  • 12 preset programs for various workout preferences
  • Large-area belt with shock absorption for joint protection
  • Comes with LED display and Bluetooth functionality
  • Ready to use without assembly
  • Portable design with built-in wheels for easy transport


  • Maximum speed of 4 MPH may not cater to faster running needs

OBENSKY's Offering: A Portable Under Desk Treadmill

image of OBENSKY Under Desk Treadmill Walking Pad for Home Office Portable Mini Treadmills 265 lbs Capacity with Remote Control LED Display Installation-Free Jogging Walking Machine for Apartment
OBENSKY Under Desk Treadmill Walking Pad for Home Office Portable Mini Treadmills 265 lbs Capacity with Remote Control LED Display Installation-Free Jogging Walking Machine for Apartment

When it comes to blending convenience with functionality, the OBENSKY Under Desk Treadmill makes a compelling case for those looking to sneak in some steps during their busy day. Notably, this walking machine comes ready to use straight out of the box, eliminating the hassle of installation. With a robust 2.5HP motor, it supports individuals up to 265 pounds, all while maintaining a low acoustic footprint that won't disrupt coworkers or family members.

Its ultra-light design is a standout feature that must be appreciated. Tipping the scales at just 48 pounds and measuring a mere 4.3 inches in height, the OBENSKY treadmill exemplifies portability and storage efficiency. Users living in compact spaces will be pleased with how effortlessly it can be tucked away under sofas or beds, and can take full advantage of the built-in wheels to relocate the unit as needed.

To keep the exercise experience engaging, OBENSKY has incorporated 12 preset workout programs into the treadmill's functionality. This range of options ensures users can vary their routine and stay motivated. Moreover, the integral Bluetooth speaker is a thoughtful addition for those looking to enjoy music or podcasts, seamlessly blending fitness into leisure time.

The scientific record data function underscores the treadmill's appeal for fitness enthusiasts who are serious about tracking their progress. Even when the power goes off or the machine is paused, the walking pad responsibly retains your exercise data, ensuring you have a continuous record of your fitness journey.

Built from durable Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), this black-colored model is both sturdy and sleek. Its product dimensions of 48.81 inches deep by 21.26 inches wide and 4.33 inches high endorse its compact nature without sacrificing stability. Plus, the fact that there's no assembly required allows individuals to focus more on staying active and less on setup.


Product Dimensions48.81"D x 21.26"W x 4.33"H
Item Weight46.3 Pounds
MaterialAcrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
Target AudienceAdult
Maximum Horsepower2.5 Horsepower
Assembly RequiredNo
Number of Programs12
Maximum Weight Recommendation265 Pounds


  • Does not require installation, ready to use out of the box
  • Equipped with a quiet 2.5HP motor
  • Features a slim, ultra-light design for easy storage
  • Comes with 12 preset workout programs and a Bluetooth speaker
  • Offers a data memory function to resume workouts without data loss


  • Given the portable form factor, may lack some sturdiness compared to traditional treadmills

RHYTHM FUN: Combining Treadmill with Ab Roller

image of RHYTHM FUN Under Desk Treadmill and Ab Roller
RHYTHM FUN Under Desk Treadmill and Ab Roller

The RHYTHM FUN Under Desk Treadmill and Ab Roller harmoniously merges the convenience of at-home cardio with core-strengthening exercises, making it a versatile piece of equipment for a comprehensive fitness routine. Sized at just 52 inches by 24 inches with a mere 5-inch height, it's designed for those who want to integrate movement seamlessly into their daily routine, whether that's in a home office or a compact apartment. The 3 HP motor is robust for steady walking speeds and operates quietly, ensuring it won't interrupt work calls or your family's rest.

With the notion that fitness should not only be effective but engaging, the RHYTHM FUN treadmill has paired with the YIFIT app. This app turns standard exercise sessions into immersive experiences with virtual scenery runs and offers various fitness programs. Tracking your progress is simple and motivational, and the treadmill is easy to control with the included remote, allowing for adjustments without skipping a beat in your work.

As for the build, the treadmill features a dual benefit. The 7-layer, 40-inch by 18-inch running belt provides ample space for a comfortable stride while the integrated shock-absorbing system minimizes impact on your joints, catering to knee safety. Moreover, the relatively gentle speed range of 0.8-6 km/h is designed with health preservation in mind.

The thoughtful details of the RHYTHM FUN treadmill extend to its storage capabilities. The sleek design affords users the ability to slide it under furniture or prop it up against a wall, minimizing its footprint when not in use. At 59 pounds, it's sufficiently light to be relocated by individuals without assistance, and no assembly is required - a true plug-and-play model.

Standing behind their treadmill, RHYTHM FUN emphasizes customer satisfaction with 24/7 online support and a lifetime warranty. This exemplifies their confidence in the product and provides assurance to users. With the ability to support weights up to 265 pounds and an included 3% incline, the treadmill balances user-friendliness with the challenge necessary for fitness progression.


Product Dimensions52"D x 24"W x 5"H
Special FeaturePortable
Target AudienceAdult
Maximum Horsepower3 Horsepower
Maximum Incline Percentage3
Maximum Weight Recommendation265 Pounds
Deck Length40 Inches
Deck Width18 Inches
Input Power300 Watts


  • High powerful 3 HP quiet motor suitable for walking and working without disturbance
  • Compact design with dimensions ideal for home, office, or apartment use
  • Features a 7-layer large wide running belt for durability and comfort
  • Integrated with new Fitshow workout app to track exercise data
  • No assembly required, easy to store and move with bottom wheels


  • Speed range not provided, which may affect the ability to assess suitability for running or jogging

Reviewing the RHYTHM FUN Mini Treadmill and Ab Roller

image of RHYTHM FUN Mini Walking Treadmill and Ab Roller
RHYTHM FUN Mini Walking Treadmill and Ab Roller

The RHYTHM FUN Mini Walking Treadmill and Ab Roller is a multi-functional exercise apparatus designed for users who want to optimize their workout in a compact space. The treadmill's sleek, modern design with an LED display makes tracking your progress a breeze. Real-time statistics such as speed, distance, time, and calorie count are easily accessible, and adjustments can be made swiftly using the included remote controller. In addition to the treadmill’s convenient features, the smart Fitshow workout app enhances your training experience by allowing you to monitor workouts and set up training programs directly from your smartphone.

Uniqueness is evident in the RHYTHM FUN walking treadmill's design, as it requires no assembly and is ready to use straight out of the box. This is a tremendous time-saver for those eager to begin their fitness journey without the hassle of complicated setups. Sturdiness is also a highlight since the RHYTHM FUN ab roller supports individuals up to 440 pounds, ensuring it is robust enough for a wide range of users. The ab roller itself boasts a free knee pad for enhanced comfort, substantially improving the overall exercise experience.

For those living in tight spaces, the RHYTHM FUN Mini Treadmill's slim profile at just 2 inches thick is a clear advantage. Weighing a mere 37 lbs, it's easy to move and store, whether under a desk or bed, making it a perfect choice for small apartments and office setups. The added convenience comes from the ab roller, equally portable and effective, designed to activate arm and core muscles for a more comprehensive workout. Together, the treadmill and ab roller create a formidable fitness duo that can replace a trip to the gym and fit seamlessly into your home or office environment.

As for connectivity and entertainment, the treadmill's compatibility with the Fitshow workout app opens up a new dimension for fitness enthusiasts who appreciate technological integration into their exercise regimen. However, one should take into account that the treadmill's deck length of 47 inches, while sufficient for walking, may not accommodate a full running stride for taller individuals. Nonetheless, within its product category, the RHYTHM FUN Mini Walking Treadmill and Ab Roller stands out for its combination of compact convenience, robust build, and innovative features.


MaterialAcrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
Special FeaturePortable
Target AudienceAdult
Display TypeLED
Maximum Weight Recommendation440 Pounds
Deck Length47 Inches
Input Power220 Watts
Date First AvailableJune 18, 2022


  • Features an LED display for real-time tracking
  • Non-assembly use straight from the box
  • Extremely lightweight at 37 lbs and ultra-thin design for easy storage
  • Includes an ab roller for additional workout benefits
  • Compatible with smart Fitshow workout app for tracking


  • Weight capacity of 440 lbs for the ab roller might not suit all users
  • Limited speed range of the treadmill suitable mainly for walking

At a glance

Product NameBrandMotor HorsepowerSpeed RangeProduct DimensionsWeight CapacitySpecial FeaturesBuilt-in ProgramsConnectivityPortabilityNoise Level
GOYOUTH 2 in 1 TreadmillGOYOUTH2.25 HP0.5 - 6 MPH50.59"D x 5.51"W x 22.44"H220 lbsPortable, Bluetooth Speaker, LED Display12 ProgramsBluetoothBuilt-in transport wheelsQuiet motor & low noise operation
MonSports Walking PadMonSports2.25 HP0.5 - 6.5 MPH48.43"D x 21.26"W x 41.73"H265 lbsFoldable, Bluetooth Speaker, Phone HolderNot specifiedBluetoothBuilt-in wheelsNot specified
Olook Walking PadOlook2.5 HP0.5 - 5 MPH48"D x 20"W x 5.5"H265 lbsCompact Design, Advanced CushioningNot specifiedRemote ControlBuilt-in wheelsWhisper-Quiet
Bestports TreadmillBestports2.25 HP0.5 - 4 MPH48.81"D x 21.26"W x 4.33"H265 lbsPortable, Compact Design12 ProgramsBluetoothBuilt-in wheelsLow-noise motor
OBENSKY TreadmillOBENSKY2.5 HPNot specified48.81"D x 21.26"W x 4.33"H265 lbsPortable, Bluetooth Speaker, LED Display12 ProgramsBluetoothBuilt-in wheelsSuper Quiet
RHYTHM FUN Treadmill & Ab RollerRHYTHM FUN3 HPNot specified52"D x 24"W x 5"H265 lbsPortable, App IntegrationNot specifiedApp ConnectivityBuilt-in wheelsQuiet operation
RHYTHM FUN Mini TreadmillRHYTHM FUNNot specifiedNot specifiedNot specifiedTreadmill not specified, Ab Roller 440 lbsPortable, App IntegrationNot specifiedApp ConnectivityUltra-light and thinQuiet (assumed)

Selecting the right under desk treadmill involves balancing various features and specifications to fit your unique lifestyle and exercise preferences. By comparing the compact design, workout programs, motor performance, durability of the belt, connectivity options, and safety features, we've provided a comprehensive analysis to aid in your decision-making process. Remember to consider space limitations, desired noise level, and the importance of portability when making your choice. Whichever treadmill you select, the most crucial step is the one that leads you towards a healthier and more active lifestyle, even amidst a busy schedule. Now that you're equipped with the knowledge, take the leap and elevate your daily routine with the under desk treadmill that best suits your needs!


Are under desk treadmills suitable for running or just walking?

Most under desk treadmills are designed primarily for walking, especially when used in a work environment. However, some models offer higher speed options that are suitable for light jogging or running.

How much space do I need for an under desk treadmill?

Under desk treadmills are designed to be compact and are often foldable or slim enough to slide under furniture. Nonetheless, ensure you measure your available space before purchasing one and factor in additional space for safe use and comfort.

Can I use an under desk treadmill with any desk?

To use an under desk treadmill, you'll need a desk that has sufficient height clearance to accommodate the treadmill and allow for comfortable walking. Standing or height-adjustable desks are typically recommended.

Do under desk treadmills require assembly?

Many under desk treadmills come pre-assembled or require minimal assembly. Check the product specifications to understand if any setup is required before use.

How noisy are under desk treadmills?

Under desk treadmills are designed to operate quietly to avoid disrupting the work environment. Each model varies, but manufacturers often list the noise level in the specifications, so look for models with a low decibel rating if noise is a concern.
